The Legacy: How Mainframe Innovator David Cole Turned to Izzi to Ensure the Long-Term Success of ColeSoft 

Working as a programmer at Yale University in the late 1970s, David Cole developed the tool that would become z/XDC. A decade later, he founded ColeSoft, turning z/XDC into a powerful, interactive tool for developing and testing Assembler, C/C++, and Metal C language programs in the z/OS operating system. In 2024, Cole sold ColeSoft to Izzi Software, which will continue his legacy by supporting and developing the products many large organizations depend on to optimize their mainframe performance. Cole explains how he started his company, how he has considered selling over the years, and why he saw Izzi as the best home for ColeSoft and its dedicated team. 

The best ideas fill a need. I built z/XDC because Yale asked me to work with a system called TSO. They said, “You’re going to love it.” I hated it. The things it couldn’t do drove me up the wall, so I built the system I needed. z/XDC is the result. Working on it since the 1970s let me develop a product that other organizations wanted to buy, so I founded ColeSoft to create the corporate structure to handle such a sale the right way. And while those early buyers weren’t the right fit, I am proud that the structure I built provided a comfortable living not only to my family but to a handful of good people.  

Another need drove me to finally sell ColeSoft: my need to get out of running the company. I talked my son into taking my place, because he’s every bit as good a businessman and manager as I am a programmer. But ColeSoft faced headwinds that were best solved by an acquisition. For example, we needed better marketing and training success through developers. I don’t want to retire because I love writing code and I can still add value, and Izzi Software offered me the chance to keep working while ColeSoft kept thriving.  

Over the years, I’d ignored dozens of emails from people wanting to partner with me or buy me out. But Izzi Software piqued my son’s interest because of their founder’s  mainframe background – a background everyone else who came along lacked. z/XDC is an excellent tool steeped in proven technology. Izzi will help us move it to a graphical user interface, bring in new people, and invest in new marketing to expand our reach. Izzi was committed to giving ColeSoft the necessary resources to grow and prosper.  

Ultimately, Izzi was the right home for ColeSoft because of our compatible objectives. I’ve committed my life to making z/XDC a valuable tool for the mainframe industry. Important companies have integrated z/XDC into their development process for everything they put on the z/OS system. Izzi sees and wants to expand that value throughout the industry, to help companies like these and more get the results they need. That’s why I’m so satisfied with the choice to join Izzi, and why I know my product, my team, and my own contribution are going to thrive in their family.  

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